Thursday, September 23, 2010

Virginia to exicute a woman for first time in almost a century.

Being the track A major that I am I could not stay away from this one. Tomorrow night, Teresa Lewis, 41, will be put to deat by the commonwealth of Virgina for hiring the killings of her husband and stepson. The social implications of the act of the state executing a person has become the topic for many hot button debates. In the US 15 states and the District of Columbia do not allow capital punishment, but the rest do allow for it (whether the exercise it or not). The fact that the state will be executing a woman has little added impact on me although it seems to be stirring up some conflict with others. The funny part of this story to me, or rather the part pertinent to our media and justice class, is that i heard of this execution not through the state run institution classes (such as "Punishment and the State") that I am paying far too much to attend, but rather through the radio. Over a rock station that i was listening to on my smart phone on the way to an 8 AM class. So to cut to the point I was able to take a step back from the liberal arts university view of the world for a minute and realize that even the professors I have for "Justice Studies" courses don't always acknowledge the same topics that are the foundation of their profession; all thanks to FM radio on my phone.

1 comment:

  1. We have a whole class on the death penalty if you're interested..
