Thursday, September 16, 2010

JMU Football News

As everyone on the campuses of JMU and Virginia Tech knows; the dukes of James Madison pulled off an upset on September 11th when they beat the VT Hokies in football. A large portion of the nation also knows thanks in part to the games coverage on the internet. Following the game,, and have all covered the story. has posted a series of at least 5 articles related to the JMU win with most of the attention being given to the performance of the players and coaches on the JMU team. The washington post article gave more of a 2 sided story with attention given to both JMU and VT's  team hopes for the year as well as the win's impact on the national title hopes of Boise State. Finally the epsn was very play by play in nature and concentrated mostly on the players opinions. The only main difference was with the jmusports website which concentrated, as could be expected, on JMU's achievements predominant. None of them seem to distort the facts but some concentrate on only bringing to light what is important to them. The most obvious common link is the surprise and weight of a FCS team beating a  ranked FBS team.

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