Monday, September 27, 2010

Australian soldiers face serious charges in Afghan children's killings

I started a search for Afghanistan war news in  Recent news included a story of Australian special forces troops facing multiple charges including manslaughter, dangerous conduct, failing to comply with a lawful general order and prejudicial conduct. The story god its attention because 5 children were killed in a firefight. The story gave specific details and quotes from both the soldier's advocates and the Afghan prosecutor's office about the blame for the incident. After searching for the same story on MSNBC and CNN I found that CNN did not have a matching article but MSNBC did. The FOX and MSNBC stories were almost identical. This seems to be because most of the info came from the AP. The story is pretty recent I think it is likely that CNN just hasn't gotten a chance to post the story yet.  I think this story is one that is important as a reminder about the effects on conflict in the area but I don't think that this kind of story is rare. After many of these small stories we begin to become desensitized.

1 comment:

  1. My post also addressed the issue of collateral damage in Afghanstan, (Albeit by US forces.) and show that rebuilding efforts in Afghanistan have slowed down as a result. Collateral damage lowers morale in any county and isn't helping us at all in Afghanistan.
