Thursday, October 14, 2010

Obama's a Muslim!

Yes, sadly but truthfully i hopped on the Obama's a Muslim bandwagon back in 2007-2008. The bandwagon effect really took a hold of me and until i was actually able to do some research on the topic I believed that Obama was in face a Muslim. In my defense I did not nor do I associate Muslims with automatically being terrorists. I am in fact more scared that I know Obama is actually an extremest United States hating Christian radical. Initially I gave the man credit for running for high office with such a natural handicap as sharing the same religion as a group of terrorists that killed over 2,700 Americans in 2001. I think the department of information is a great idea, right with the rest of our current administration's insane big government ideals. Sounds like another great way to jeopardize the consumers right to choose for themselves. If I see something like a department of information I will be forced to start up a militia for the impending coup.

1 comment:

  1. My fear was that Obama would continue some of the worst policies of both Clinton and Bush...guess what, that came true.
